Scout and Guide groups in Burley-In-Wharfedale
We are a thriving group with currently about 300 members meeting every week in the different sections. We cater for young people between 5 and 25 in a range of activities and opportunities.
At present we have 3 Rainbow units, 2 Brownie units, 2 Guide units, a Ranger unit, a Beaver colony, 2 Cub packs, a Scout troop, and an Explorer unit.
Brownies at the Wharfedale Festival in 1922
History of Guiding
There is a massive amount of guiding history in Burley and some units go back a long way.
On 1st May 2017 1st Burley-in-Wharfedale Guides will be 100 years old. This makes us the third oldest Guide unit in Wharfedale which has run without a break since it was formed in 1917. Quite an achievement!
The 1st Burley Guide Company was founded in 1917. Miss Anne Shepherd was Captain and the Guides met originally in a disused building at Scalebor and sometimes at West Lodge, both in Burley. The Guides programme was very different to today. They entered dancing and drill competitions, the Wharfedale Festival, sport challenges and maintained the Cenotaph outside the Grange. Some things we do today have not changed – we still have patrols, do community service, carry flags, form into a horseshoe and go camping.
In 1919 Miss Shepherd’s sister Marjorie opened the Brownie pack. It was a busy pack and ran for quite a few years. It closed for a while, re-opening in 1957 and has run ever since. The 1st Burley-in-Wharfedale Rangers (known then as Senior Guides) was formed in 1924. It was a very active unit before, during and after the 2nd World War. It still runs today after a couple of short breaks.
In 1923, Mr E Shepherd of The Hawthorns and the father of the Misses Shepherd’s – Captain & Brown Owl respectively, built a house on Station Road for the Guides and Brownies to meet. The house was named “Crina” following several happy camps the Guides had enjoyed at Crina Bottom Farm, at the base of Ingleborough.