

Cub Scouting began in 1916, and has gone from strength to strength ever since. Many Cub Scouts will have been Beaver Scouts, but some will join Scouting for the first time as Cubs looking for fun, adventure and friendship. Cub Scouts is open to young people aged between eight and ten and a half years old who want to join and can make the Cub Scout Promise. Cub scouting differs from many organisations in that it requires its Members to make a Promise, the wording for Cub Scouts is slightly simpler than that of the Scout Promise. It is:

  • I promise that I will do my best
  • to do my duty to God and to the King,
  • to help other people
  • and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

Different wordings of the Promise are available for those of different faiths who may prefer not to use the word 'God' and for those with special needs and circumstances. By making the Promise a young person becomes a Member of the worldwide Movement; they become a Scout. Cub Scouts wear a green sweatshirt. They will also wear a scarf (sometimes called a “necker”), the colour of which varies from Scout Group to Scout Group. They will also have a woggle, to keep their scarf up. The woggle will normally be of the colour of the six they are in There are many other items of optional uniform.

What do Cubs do?


Cubs take part in a wide range of activities that are designed to be interesting and to challenge them. At the same time they have fun, adventure and make friends along the way. They do this through taking part in a programme of activities provided by the Leadership team such as: camping, playing games, trying new things and exploring the outdoors. Typical activities include

  • Making things
  • Games
  • Singing, stories and drama
  • Visits and visitors
  • Outdoor activities
  • Activities with others
  • Helping other people
  • Team challenges
  • Trying new things

Pack Holidays and Camping


Ask any current or former Cub about what they remember most (and enjoyed most!) about being in Cubs and they will probably say Pack holidays or going camping. Camps give the Pack the opportunity to go away together. Camps and Pack holidays are an opportunity for Cubs to take part in activities that they would not otherwise be able to do at regular Pack meetings. The experience of being away with the Pack is a very special experience for Cubs.

Group Scout Leader To join the waiting list please go to waiting list link.