Event Calendar

Being part of the local community is an important side of Scouting and Guiding in Burley. Here are the planned events for this year

Burley Lights Switch on – 2nd Dec

The Guides are pleased to be able to support a cake stall as part of the Christmas market that will be run in the Queens Hall prior to the Christmas lights being switched on. All donations of cakes would be most welcome!

Santa Sleigh
Father Christmas will once again be visiting the village in the run up to Christmas. This is a fund raising activity that sees donations going to both the Scouts and Guides but also other charities in need at Christmas time. In 2022 generous donations from residents enable us to distribute £500 to the charity Beacon (a small charity which addresses the varied needs of the many people seeking asylum who find themselves in the Bradford district) and £500 to Homeless Hampers (who provide essentials in the form of hampers to those who are in shelters or on the streets)