
Burley Guides are a very energetic & lively group of girls aged between 10 & 14. We have two units who meet every week during term time. We wear a uniform of a polo shirt, hoodie, smart jeans or navy or black trousers and trainers.

Both units follow an exciting programme which the girls plan, and are supported by the leaders. This involves plenty of outdoor activities and adventures such as climbing, abseiling, crate stacking, night hikes, zip wire, ice skating, scavenger hunts, wide games, archery and sailing.

We go away to activity centres, have sleepovers and we love going to camp! Camp is fantastic, hilarious and crazy and most girls go each year. Some girls say it’s the best thing about being a Guide! We camp at various locations including Waddow Hall, which is the main activity centre for Guiding in the north of England.

We go to the Big Gig – a music concert for girls in guiding who are aged 10 and over. We meet other guides at joint events and make lots of new friends.

It’s great to meet with your friends, have fun and be yourself!


Guides get involved in local community projects and actively support Burley village events such as Teas on the Green and the Duck Race, Burley Festival, Christmas Market and Open Gardens.    Further afield we have sponsored a Guide Dog puppy & raised money to build toilets in Africa.


Guides are split into patrols, a small group of about six girls. Activities are often planned by individual patrols.

We follow the Girlguiding programme by sometimes doing Skill Builders.  Skills builder stages are great for girls to work on.   They all link with our programme themes and cover everything girls love about guiding from outdoor adventures to learning leadership skills.

There are six stages to complete in each topic and girls earn a badge for every stage they complete. Each stage is a bit more challenging and Guides gain some very valuable skills and independence!

Guides can also complete various interest badges covering all sorts of interests and topics, such as Photography, Fitness, Campaigning, Upcycling, Geocaching and Confectionery – just to name a few.


Guides aim to gain the Guide Gold Award, the highest award they can achieve by the time they are ready to leave at age 14.  It is a great achievement to be awarded this.

When a girl feels ready, she can make her promise.


The Promise

I promise that I will do my best:

To be true to myself and develop my beliefs,

To serve the King and my community,

To help other people


To keep the Guide Law.


The Guide Laws are...

A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.

A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.

A Guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences.

A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.

A Guide is polite and considerate.

A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.


To join the waiting list please go to

To volunteer to help with Guides please go to

For other enquiries, please contact us