The Guiding Programme for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers

Our programme is the foundation of what all girls do in guiding. There’s a huge range of activities to try, plenty of badges to earn and loads of ways to develop new skills. Designed and created with girls, our programme is packed full of fun, adventure and variety.  It supports girls to broaden their horizons, challenge themselves and be the best they can be. There’s so much to try in our programme, all designed so there’s something for every girl.

Six themes run through the entire programme for every age group, to bring consistency & continuity to each girls guiding journey.  They are Know Myself, Skills for my Future, Express Myself, Have Adventures, Be Well, and Take Action.

 How we earn the badges!

Skill Builders are completed at meetings.  Girls must complete all 5 activities to achieve a Skill Builder badge.  Where girls miss an activity we will do our best to help them catch up, but they may have to do things at home.

Unit Meeting Activities are also done in meetings.  Girls have to earn points doing these, the older the girls are, the more points they have to earn.

Interest badges are done at home.  Once all their sections are completed the girl can tell the leader by emailing the leader or bringing in what they have done.   Check out the Badge Book for all the interest badges you can earn!

Rainbows have 12 Interest badges that are round, some are below

Brownies have 18 Interest badges which are diamond shape

Guides badges are square & they have 24 badges they can earn

Rangers have 18 badges to earn, plus special badges like Lead Away Permit


 Theme Awards

These are achieved by completing a Skill Builder badge, an interest badge & points from the Unit Meeting Activities – all from the same theme. There are six theme awards.

If you gain two Theme Awards you gain a Bronze Award

If you gain four Theme Awards you gain a Silver Award

If you gain all six Theme Awards you will gain the Gold Award

We also work towards fun badges & challenge badges.  These are designed by Guiding leaders around the country

Do remember though ……. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and rangers are not all about badges, they are about working together and having fun!



Girlguiding isn’t just for girls. In total, we have around 100,000 adult volunteers and supporters in the UK.

We have 28 amazing volunteers in Burley-in-Wharfedale who run our 9 guiding units.   We have a lot of fun, challenges and adventures and you can develop life-long friendships.

We offer training and the opportunity to develop new skills. There are many volunteer roles in guiding. Many volunteers give their time as Leaders or Assistant Leaders for guiding units and get to see girls enjoying events and activities that they have organised. Other volunteers take on administrative responsibilities, or help out with driving or maintenance on an occasional basis.

We always have room for volunteers.

If you want to join our fantastic team contact Group Guide Leader

Sue at  or contact any leader